Well, I just did a countdown. At this moment, I have 8 teaching days left, 15 days until the Ferd comes to Gunsan, 18 days until myself and the Ferd leave for China, and 27 days until I step foot in my homeland! After this blog, I'll do 2 more blogs because how could I call myself an honest person if I kept up a blog named "A Year of Firsts" after September 26 (the first day in Korea)? I'll see what I can do with making some sort of facebook note for my China trip, or we could just meet up somewhere, have some Kim Bap and Kimchi and I could tell you all about my trip face to face :)
Anyhow, this past week was a short one since Korean Thanksgiving gave us Monday and Tuesday off of school. I think I told you about my Monday, which was nothing that special, but Tuesday I accomplished another first. I made one of my favorite Korean foods..Kim Bap! It's pretty much a California roll, but Koreanized. I totally forgot my camera, so sorry for the lack of pictures.
It was pretty simple, and I look forward to finding a Korean mart and making this for a majority of you who read this blog! Afterwards, Hwa Jeong and I felt both very full and very accomplished. I'm sure we'll do it once more before I leave so maybe I can include pictures then.
Wednesday was back to school. Have I told you how much I love short work weeks? I was explaining to someone on Monday how incredible it was to have Tuesday off because now we could really enjoy our Monday and he said, "yeah, now if only we had Wednesday off so we could enjoy our Tuesday off." Anyhow, it was really nice, but I must say I do miss these little boogers when I don't see them for awhile. I often think about what they are doing..I've only seen one of them around town and when he saw me, I thought he would pass out from being so nervous..strangeee. So, on Wednesday I walk into my first class with a big, "HELLO!" and Sky says, "Teacher, Drew has gas." Me: "nice." Sky: "It's mouth gas." Me: "hahaha..oh Sky we call that a 'burp'."
And just like that, the weekend arrived. This weekend I was pretty intentional about finding something to do with others. Enough of missing Lizar, time to move one! (hehe..jk, Lizar..I will always miss you..especially during Singspiration when something happens that only you or I would think is funny and I laugh hysterically under my breath while Daryl and Alex are just confused) So, on Saturday, a group of teachers and a G.I. went out to lunch and then for a hike. I have found this awesome spot in one of the parks. I think it's probably one of the highest points. You can see all of Gunsan and marvel at it's beauty and smog.
Sunday was also very fantastic and very very busy. It started out with helping the Pastor's wife get ready for the potluck we have once a month. Aren't you surprised? I've become quite domesticated over here in Korea ;)
After my hanging we had an incredible pot blessing (pot luck)!
OH MOM! I almost forgot to tell you, but for my dish to pass I brought that vegetable casserole you always make at Thanksgiving, and since you NEVER picked up the phone on Saturday morning or Saturday night I totally winged (wung?) it and let me tell you, you would be very proud, my dish was the first to be finished! There's nothing like taking home leftovers from your dish to pass at a potluck...ouch.
After church, I headed over to a party that I had been invited to by a couple who moved to Gunsan about 8 months ago. There were many people there and I only knew like 3 of them, so it was so great getting to know new people. It was such a good time playing games, talking, eating..reminded me of college or random summer nights in Dixon. I think I let my competitive side show a little too much with a game of spoons..there goes that domesticatedness..shoot.
Anyhow, the weekend was really really good. I'm beginning to feel a little sentimental these days. I think I'm going to miss life here more than I am anticipating; I'm also feeling a little anxious for another big change even if that change is moving back home. Oh, life.
That's what I got. One more blog down. Two more to go :) Have a good one!
Oh....it's amazing how you touch lives and they touch yours wherever you go!! Only 2 more blogs?? What's Grandma Maritato to do?