Monday, February 7, 2011

Hafa Adai from Guam!

Dear all Guamians,
Thank you so much for your hospitality and just being so friendly! You made my trip!

I'm afraid I don't have too much to say about Guam. We did fit alot into three days, but it was just so relaxing that I'm afraid I would bore you with details. Nonetheless, I have lots of pictures that I will just include at the end to keep you interested :)

Well, Tuesday morning I said my possible final goodbye to Lilly and left my apartment at 2:30 a.m. I took a bus from Gunsan to the airport in Incheon, boarded an hour and a half flight to Osaka Japan, and had a (wah wah wah) 9 hour me and my adventurous self decided leaving the airport was worth at least getting my passport stamped. Maybe it was my traumatic experience at the border in Canada, but I get so nervous when I talk to custom officers, my quick speech and nervous laughter definitely makes me look suspicious. But I made it out and back in just fine. I took a little bus ride to Rinku town shopping outlet mall. I just ate what I thought was some sort of Japanese food, walked around, but found that Japan is soooo expensive. So, sadly walked out of Gap and the Asics store empty-handed. I made my way back to the airport with plenty of time and finally at 9:30 p.m. boarded my flight to Guam. I got in around 1:30 a.m. and slept so great at Anita's house (my friend, Hwa Jeong's friend (Hwa Jeong was the bride).)

Wednesday morning I woke up already feeling refreshed. While I was gazing out the window at the amazing view of the Sea and the Reef that surrounds Guam, I saw something that totally confirmed I was in the right place for my vacation. I saw Anita let out their dog, Riley...the 2nd cutest Golden Retriever ever! So, that morning I took Riley for a little walk around the neighborhood. People would drive by and say, "hello," "hey there," "Hafa Adai" (which means hello in the native language of Guam). I felt a little bit of "reverse culture shock." I'm so used to just walking around Gunsan with my headphones in and my head down avoiding all eye contact with the little starring eyes of all my "fans." But I felt very welcomed, back in the land of the free!

Later Wednesday, Anita dropped me off at the beach where there was no shortage of beauty or men in speedos...and those two things are NOT one in the same. I had never seen water so blue and clear. The reef made it calm and clear and safe from sharks! So after my laying out, Anita joined me and we went snorkeling around the reef. We saw such beautiful fish. I really wish my camera was waterproof. Maybe I'll find the fish online and post pictures on my facebook later. Snorkeling was probably one of my favorite parts of the trip.

Wednesday late afternoon after a much appreciated lunch and frosty from Wendy's, Anita took me to Two Lover's Point. It's this beautiful lookout over the Philippine Sea where a legend is told that two lovers who were not to marry because of their different ethnicities and could not bear marrying anyone else, tied their hair together and jumped off the cliff to their death. How original.

Wednesday night, we went to a village market where souvenirs are sold and good food is served. I got a few souvenirs for my coworkers and students and a free Guam sticker for myself.

Thursday was a more historical sightseeing day. I had no idea Guam has been through so much. From the Magellan landing to the Japanese invading to the Americans taking it over and numerous super typhoons, this little island has been through the fire. We saw a couple different Spanish forts and homes. Apparently the Spanish has a house dedicated solely to chocolate time..called the chocolate house. Who wants to have tea time when you can have chocolate time? Also on Thursday I spent a little more time at a beach and cafe reading the time away. Thursday night we had the rehearsal for the wedding and ate out at a Japanese restaurant called Benni's.

Friday rolled around and Anita, myself, and Alma (mother of the bride) went down south to pick some tropical flowers for the wedding decorations and leis. The flowers as you can see are so beautiful. While I was picking flowers from the tree, a gecko totally landed on my neck (PTL it missed my mouth which was wide open).

When I say we went "south" I mean we went 30 minutes away to the most southern tip of the island. The waist of Guam takes about 30 minutes to cross and from North to South I think it takes about an hour to travel. We did some more sightseeing in the South. I saw where Magellan first landed and met the Chamurros (native people of Guam) and I saw the small village where a super typhoon had destroyed most of it. After getting a second and savored lunch from Wendy's with a frosty of course, we were in route to the house when the itching set in. I don't know if I told you this, but I forgot to put sunscreen on my back the first day at the beach and that was a mistake. You could not possibly understand this itching unless you've experienced it yourself. You can't focus on anything, and you can't sit still for more than 2 seconds. I was reading online later about it and someone wrote, "it was worse than giving birth." After Anita graciously picked an Aloe leaf from outside (how cool is that that an aloe plant is just chillin in her back yard?) and squeezed the leaf over my tortured back, the itching subsided to some degree.

The couple getting married were getting married outside at a hotel right near the beach at sunset. It had been raining so the sunset wasn't magnificent but it was all still so beautiful. Anita, me, and others quickly decorated with the flowers we had picked and then enjoyed the ceremony and reception. So, the vacation was over early Saturday morning and I started the trek back to my little market. And after a plane ride, another layover, another plane ride, another bus ride, and a taxi ride I made it back to find Lily still alive and kicking.

The trip to Guam was so refreshing, relaxing, and exactly what I needed to get through these next 8 months. The diversity, the friendly spirit, the great company, Riley, Wendy's, etc was a much needed breath of fresh air!

Here's Riley during our walk...he filled the empty hole in my heart from missing Cami!
The Plumerias that I just can't get over!
Seriously, look at this water!
Fritters soaking up the sun and enjoying the view
Snorkeling the afternoon away

hanging out at Two Lover's Point

While at breakfast at Shirley's the Chinese Lunar New Year celebration was complete with some sort of dragon dance
These are supports from the indigenous houses of Guam..before the Spainards took over and forced "chocolate time" on everyone.
The smallest hermit crab I've ever seen!
Sunset in Guam
I need to do something with this picture
Where Magallen landed and was met by a bunch of grown men in G-strings
Protecting the island
The cakes!
Night of the wedding
The happy couple
Gettin' their cake kiss on!

And that's all folks. Oh yeah, I don't know if you've heard or anything, but the PACKERS are SUPERBOWL champs!!!!!!! Couldn't have started off my week better!


  1. Wonderful post as always, Natalee! What adventures you are having. Glad to hear both you and Lily survived the trip.


  2. Nice...haven't been home to Guam since I was 8 I am 36 now...beach still looks the same. Thanks
