Tuesday, May 3, 2011

#58 Learn to Knit or Crochet or Both

Dear employees of Emart,
Thank you for your effort.

How could I possibly top last week's blog? I can't. Last week was a bit of a "downer," so this blog might seem like a downer at first. Of course my students never cease to make me laugh on the inside and my daily adventures in the supermarket are always highlights, so stick with me.

Last weekend was the peak time for the Cherry Blossom season here in Gunsan. I was sad to see them go last week, but at the same time, a bit relieved. I love Cherry Blossoms so much that I feel like I needed to skip school and just lay under a Cherry Blossom tree and stare at it's beauty for hours and hours and hours. It was kind of stressful. Every time I was indoors, I felt like I was missing out. Now that they are all gone, I can be somewhat content with staying indoors.

I mean look at this beauty, isn't it stressful?

So, I had these plans to move in with a friend this next week, but our plans fell through when my apartment was sold to another owner and my director signed a 4 month release just a couple weeks ago. Bummer. I guess my market hasn't seen the last of me. Bring on the Kimchi stench on my balcony and several months of summer fish stank that will no doubt come wafting through my door.

Also, last week, I was told starting May 16, I will most likely be taking on yet another class. Bummer. This class will be a company class. I haven't really experienced company classes yet, but I hear they are some work. I will be going everyday from my morning class to the company, tata Daewoo, to teach an advanced 50 minute advanced conversation class. Although I'm not looking forward to leaving my apartment at 9 a.m. and not getting back until 9:30 p.m., I am looking forward to meeting new people and teaching more advanced students. I think it will be a good experience to teach this business type student.

And on the homefront, all my incredible friends finished up their college careers at the end of last week and began their senior week. A week that if I were anywhere close to Bourbonnais, I would be joining them in the celebration, but I'm about as far away from Bourbonnais as I could be...bummer. A few weeks before I boarded that Asiana flight that dropped me off here in Korea, I sat at Lowell Park and made a long list of Pros and Cons about this job in Korea. Number 2 on the Con list was that I would be missing the monumental moment of college graduation in most of my friend's lives, and since they made my graduation sooooo special last year, I wished more than anything that I could do the same for them. So, currently, it's been a little bit of a rough patch being so far away from those college friends who are no doubt, at this moment, participating in corny Olivet senior week activities that if the price was right and I had the vacation days, would be there right along with them!

The weekend came, and I was so ready. We had been planning for a long time to go to Everland Amusement Park in Seoul. It's this big amusement park similar to Disney World or Six Flags, but less extravagant. But once again, things were not going my way. They called for rain the whole entire day and strong winds. So, the trip got canceled. Bummer.

With the cherry blossoms leaving, the "moving into a bigger and better apartment with a roomie" dream was crushed, the added class, the "homesickness," and the canceled weekend plan, it really was not a top notch week.

Although the word "bummer" was a consistent thought, there were still some humorous moments. For example, one situation involved one of my little students named Mingi. This boy is so cute. I really should take his picture, but his personality is even cuter. He's 12 years old and pretty good in English. He and his friend like to make trouble while I'm writing on the board. He's always the one to apologize to me right away, or if he knows he really upset me, will stay after and apologize after class. On Thursday, his friend, Hyun soo, was leaning back on his chair and I told him in a very teachery stern voice to bring the chair down. He immediately brought it down, directly on Mingi's foot. (I have this rule that they MUST never speak Korean in class) So, at this sudden pain in his foot, Mingi shouts, "TEACHER, MY FINGERS! MY FINGERS!!!!" while holding his toes. It was pretty hilarious and I was quick to correct him, "Mingi, do you really mean fingers or do you mean toes?"

Saturday, I was a bit bored. The plans to go to the amusement park fell through, and I was having a hard time reaching anyone who had time to chat on Jacksie (the name I gave my magicjack). So, I was reading my bucket list and saw #58 is "learn to knit or crochet or both." So, I thought, yes, why not today? So, I thought, surely LotteMart will have what I need and if not, Emart will come through for me. After exercising and watching Elizabeth get a haircut, I walked to LotteMart ready to conquer #58. Although I did find a cute shirt on sale, there was no knitting or crocheting gear in sight. I even was brave enough to ask one of the workers, who said, "we no have." So, I had time, why not try Emart as well. So, I hopped in a taxi and drove across town to Emart.

And although I did find a cute sweatshirt, skirt, AND shirt also on sale, I could not find what I needed to cross off #58. So, I decided to again, attempt asking an employee in English about knitting or crocheting materials. This employee was very nice. I approached her in the kitchen department and tried to show her with hand gestures what knitting meant. Like I know what hand gestures to make. So, she said, "oooooo, okay." and then she motioned for me to follow her. I was like, "score!" But then we rounded the corner and she said, "here." We were standing in the aisle full of the feminine products. I politely laughed and said, "ani" (no). And again tried with the hand gestures, after finding an employee who was willing to practice her English a little, she understood and informed me that Emart does not carry the things I needed. It was a bit of a bummer, but I did get a new outfit out of it.

So, it was a week of ups and downs...but mostly downs, yet I still enjoy this country and these people. Hope you are doing well..it's been quite an eventful few days of news and I must say, I'm proud to be an American!


  1. Oh Natalee, the cherry blossoms are breathtaking.....I can't get over how beautiful they are. Sorry to hear so many of your plans fell through, but reading this week's blog, seems to me you still managed to make lemonade out of lemons, as always.


  2. I love how shopping for one thing turned into new clothes. Huh. That NEVER happens here with either me or Erika! Can't wait to see the new scarf!
